Brother Dustin and Mother Invention attempt to make a love connection between Superhuman Dude-bros and Barbarian Women. Love will tear them apart again, though, as Little Momma puts her petite foot down. Also: Dave reveals a dangerous secret to a befuddled Mother Invention.
Bobby Eversmann as Brother Dustin
Stephanie Leet as Mother Invention
Danger Marshall as Dave
Firiel Elliott as Marge, The One True Queen of the Forest
Alex Wank as Überdude
Deborah Zirin as Little Momma
and Bill Terry as Brother Kermit
Sound Editing and Effects by Danger Marshall
Original Music provided by Jacob Jansen
Musical Direction by Melissa Schenter
This play, the characters, situations, and associated intellectual property © 2014-2017 C. Christopher Hart, all rights reserved.