Who is responsible for the murders on board Cortez One? The Wolvertons and their friends investigate.
This is the second of four parts.
Firiel Elliot as Alice Wolverton
David Loftus as Ben Wolverton
Wynee Hu as Cassandra Wolverton
Bobby Eversmann as Brother Dustin
Stephanie Leet as Mother Invention and Mother Vinegar
Skye Stafford as Amelia Earhart/Failed Scientist
Stephanie "Steffie Dee" Harvey as Condola Yacoub
Kenneth Dembo as Ishmael Yacoub
Rob Bekuhrs as Peter
Roxy Diamond as Estelle Kidding
Heidi Stephon as The Venerable August Rutherford
Michael Burles as Doctor Elliot Hanscomb/Chef Carmen
Kyle Stroud as Professor Ernst/Chef Tony
and Bill Terry as Brother Kermit
Written by C. Christopher Hart
Sound Effects by Danger Marshall
Original Music provided by Jacob Jansen
Additional Music by Daniel D. Dowell
Script Consultant - Ash Freeman
This play, the characters, situations, and associated intellectual property © 2022 C. Christopher Hart, all rights reserved